Tuesday, February 3, 2009

"Tastes Like Chicken"

Have you ever wondered how the phrase "Tastes like chicken" came about?

When I last posted about the chickens, we had an assorted of 23. Now we are down to just 2. So I thought I should update. We first started to lose chickens while we were on our July vacation to Maine. We left the chickens in what we thought were good hands. When we go somewhere that will take us away for more than a day, we have our good neighbor Steve take care of the animals. He has us do the same for him. Just the neighborly things you do. Anyway, that time we did not. Not to mention names, but my in-laws said they could take care of them, as they would be in the area . Full-time RVers. When we called them one night, they mentioned that they "THOUGHT" something was eating the chickens. They asked how many we had, then gave a count of 2 less. This went on each night. They even put a top on the chicken pen. Now, we had no trouble for the first 4 months with things getting INTO the pen, but with the chicks getting OUT - so I had put up a 2' high piece of tin all around the bottom. So this was puzzling to me. But to not ruin our vacation over chickens, I just figured some poor animal needed something to eat. By the time we got home we were down to 6. I went to check out the chicken problem and the pen looked secure enough, so I figured that I could look it over better in the morning since it was getting dark and Joyce had fixed us a "return home supper". Bob and Joyce left the next morning and we haven't had any problem since.

W....A.....I......T a minute!!!! Something smells fishy - or should I say,

"Tastes like Chicken!" We had chicken that night for supper!!! (No, we really did).

The real problem is coyotes - and not at night in the pen - but in broad daylight! This past Sunday, two coyotes got #3, so we're down to 2. So much for putting KFC out of business.

1 comment:

Janet said...

This is too funny!!! and the fact that she served Chicken after your long trip is hilarious. So...spring is just around the corner, safe to say you'll be getting some more spring chicks at Orschelins again??? Nice to see you posted, I finally had time to "surf the net" and check out everyones blogs. Keep it up!!!