Sunday, July 13, 2008

She's alive

The 46 is back on the streets. Donna & I took it to town and went to Sonic for coneys.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

It's been a while but here is an update on the chickens. As you can see they have grown quit a bit since we got them. The one on the bottom left is Fat Albert, as Nick calls him. He is so big he doesn't move around much anymore, so he is now on a diet. Nick took him home, but he was to much for their chicken hutch, and to aggressive for Dan.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Finally after a week of waiting for blogger to OK my blog, I'm back.
No reason given why they locked it, Or when they unlocked it I just checked it and it let me post a new blog.
Just an update on the chickens. They are growing fast. Harland Sanders would be proud.

We bought 10 more Polish Crested. These are black w/ white head. They are fun to watch as they grow and their head plumage start to grow

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Thought I would add a link to my favorite video

Bird in the hand........

...goes to sleep.